Update: Winner is Desert West Real Estate! Wonderfully done Olcott's! Every year, they decorate the corner with exceptional fall décor.
Go here to cast your vote! Until tomorrow!
From the Chronicle's Facebook page:
It's that time of year again! Delta businesses! Let's get spooky! (Or spookier, depending how you look at 2020.) Decorate the outside of your businesses for Halloween, and win $100 in DACC Bucks, courtesy of the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce. Have your business ready to go by OCTOBER 29 by 5:00 p.m. so pictures can be taken. Voting will open at 5:30 and will end Nov. 3. The business with the most like on their photo wins! Show us what you've got!"
PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE DECORATED SO THE CHRONICLE CAN TAKE YOUR PICTURE AND PUT ON THIER PAGE! We do our best to drive around and see who's decorated, but to make sure you get on the page, please give us a shout! Then, the picture on Facebook with the most likes wins the money!
This will be a fun year combined with the Main Street Trunk or Treat (not a Chamber sponsored event)! Let's have some fun!
