This is our first post about our Board Members. At our August board meeting, we swore in two ne
w board members that we'd like to introduce. We'd also like to introduce the rest of our current Board of Directors.

Pictured: President Justin Taylor installing new directors Jordan Roper and Jamie Hobson.
Jamie Hobson is the manager of the Cardwell Reladyne Service Station. Jamie is family oriented and volunteers her time to different projects when she can. Jamie also manages 2 other service stations in central Utah.
Jordan Roper is one of the managers for the new Roper Lumber store in Delta. Jordan bounces between the Delta and Fillmore stores, assisting customers wherever needed. Jordan is anxious to get involved in our community.

Justin Taylor from State Bank of Southern Utah's new Delta location is our 2021 President. Justin serves on numerous boards to make our area a great place to live and has years of banking and business experience.
(Pictured: 2020 President Sue Peterson installing VP Justin Taylor as new Chamber President in February 2021.) ------->
Sam Jacobson is a reporter at the Millard County Chronicle Progress and the DACC's Vice President. He will take President Taylor's position as President in 2022.
Maggie Webster, or "Mortgage Maggie", from Housing Perks is this year's Treasurer. She takes the VP placement next year.
Those three volunteers make up our Executive Committee on our Board of Directors. We appreciate the great work that they do. They love serving our area and helping business prosper in a small town.
The rest of our Board of Directors consists of the following wonderful individuals: 2020 Chamber President Sue Peterson is recently retired from personal training. She used to own Main Street Gym and is an exercise fanatic. Tami Blair from IFA puts her customers as her top priority. You won't see her slacking off in the store - she'll greet you with a high energy welcome. Frank Lathrop works for Scholtzens Products and volunteers his personal time to the Chamber as an individual signed-up member because he thinks the Chamber mission is so important. Sheri Powell from Red Rabbit Grill keeps our towns "Delta Rabbit Pride" in our hearts by finding fun involvement opportunities to keep us tied together. Russ Anderson from Delta Valley Trucking finds time in his crunched schedule between delivering product out-of-state to help us out. Jacey Martinez from Total Control Spraying works in a family business, does nails on the side and likes to be involved in everything she can. Anthony Lazenby owns the new Highway 6 and 50 restaurant that was previously Delta Freeze. He will do anything to help our community have new experiences.
We also have some exceptional volunteers representing different groups in our community. We value their help and opinion. We all work together to try to bring our area the very best service - from business help, to community involvement. The following are also on our board of directors: Evelyn Warnick is our County Commissioner representative over tourism and chamber affairs. As a small business owner and past Chamber President, her experience with the chamber help us fulfill our mission statement to protect businesses. Jody Anderson is our Delta City representative. Jody helps the Delta Chamber and Delta City officials work together to bring success to not only our businesses, but also to local consumers. Joyce Barney represents the Millard County School Board. The future of business in our area starts with our youth. The Chamber is very involved with the youth in giving them real life business experience, insight on the business world, encouragement to pursue business related careers, and even helping prepare the elementary aged students achieve greater learning experiences in school.
The qualifications of our board members are too many to list. We are grateful for their service and they are grateful for the opportunity to serve their beloved community.
Our Chamber Board installation ceremony says that board members are to "conduct the affairs of the chamber, to establish policies and procedures and to ensure that the chamber meets its responsibilities to businesses and the community. (They) represent the membership of the organization and (are to) perform (their) duties to the best of (their) abilities." Board members also promise to give their "time, energy, and talents for the improvement of businesses and of the community through" their service in the position they are so elected.